When it comes to Sensory Processing Disorder I believe that there are some common difficulties. These are mostly under the categories of Diet, Health, Hygiene, Education and Play. They can have trouble with changes/transitions and memory too. All this can also impact on their relationships.
Not getting your child to eat, sleep, and keep clean (encompassing brushing their teeth, washing their hair, getting their hair and nails cut) is quite a worry.
I do not have the answers but have started to compiled posts on what helps us help The Sensory Seeker in these areas. Listed below are some of the key topics, plus there’s a link to the posts in this category below the title.
Encouraging new taste sensations
Temperature (also includes clothing and the environment)
Common Difficulties with Health
Identifying Problems and Finding Solutions with:
Sleep Tips – A guest post
Common Difficulties with Hygiene
Bathtime – identifying problems and trying to find solutions to helping those with Sensory Processing Disorder at bathtime.
Dental Hygiene – Identifying problems as to why the individual with Sensory Processing Disorder may not like brushing their teeth, and trying to find solutions to help over come them.
Hair washing (and product review)
Common Difficulties with Education
Starting School Considerations
Sensory Processing Disorder and Mainstream School
The Benefits of Home Education for those with Sensory Processing Disorder
Special Needs and the Eleven Plus
Sensory Common Difficulties with Parties
The Individual with Sensory Processing Disorder may struggle with parties. This includes being the Only Child Not Invited.
There are a number of ways to help alleviate this (read more about Party planning and Sensory Processing Disorder). Here are a number of party ideas that have worked for us:
Sensory Seeker Party with Reptiles
Ways to Help with Seasonal Difficulties
Scooby Doo Halloween Party
Visiting friends and family at Christmas with Sensory Processing Disorder
Christmas Gift Guide for those who are Autistic

Reindeer Food and other Sensory Christmas Ideas
Christmas Crafts for The Sensory Seeker
Ideas for Play
Dinosaur Ice Age Play for Sensory Seekers
Holidays and Days Out
Legoland Windsor Halloween and Fireworks
Sensory Processing Disorder and Visiting Italy
Disneyland and Sensory Processing Disorder
Finally here is some more advice from other UK Bloggers
I have found that my child who used to be a poo smearer, now puts his finger in his bottom then puts it straight in his mouth! His bottom is as clean as can possibly be and he doesn’t need the toilet, but he keeps doing it. as soon as I catch him I explain it is dirty and can give him a bad belly, and I get him to wash his hands, but he still does it. he is a sensory seeker and is 5. Have you come across this?
Hi no sorry it isn’t anything I have come across but I am sure it isn’t anything to do with whether he feels his bottom is dirty or not but some other seeker/exploration behaviour.
Have you spoke to a health visitor about it?
he too old for health visitor now. I check and he is clean. I just don’t get it.